Florist Choice Large Colorfoul Bouquets
Our florists pick of multicolour flowers in a hand tied bouquet.
Shipping Information
Collect in shop - call to confirm
Next day Delivery £ 5.99
Same day Delivery £ 7.99
Standard delivery prices up to 3miles
Flowers and Greenery note
All flowers and greenery are subject to availability.
In the event of any supply difficulties, we reserve the right to substitute a Product of equivalent value, quality and color scheme without notice.
We use seasonal greenery and flowers unless otherwise specified.
Delivery Time
Deliveries 9am-9pm
Please leave a note if need to be delivered at specific time.
Please leave business opening time for any orders going to office, shop etc.
Florist Choice - Disclaimer
All bouquets in Florist Choice section are hand picked and hand made by us. We choose the stems and keep desired color scheme, if you need specified flowers please write a note.